An Unforgettable Hiking Trip.

Kali ba.

Assalamualaikum and very good day to all of you.

Kita berjumpa lagi di new entry. Apa yang aku akan ceritakan ni adalah antara satu pengalaman yang paling manis dalam hidup aku. Antara wishlist aku yang telah aku capai dan tidak pernah aku sangka, actually !! Sebenarnya ini adalah impian aku semenjak aku memasuki alam sekolah menengah lagi.

Apa sebab aku tiba-tiba ada niat mau naik gunung?

Dulu, aku sekolah di SMKA Tun Said.  Dan setiap pagi di waktu persekolahan aku akan jumpa wishlist aku depan mata, tapi hanya dari jauh. Sebab wishlist aku tu, hanya depan sekolah aku saja. Aku selalu lihat wishlist tu dalam kelas then tiba-tiba intention aku datang mau daki tu. Aku pernah minta kebenaran dengan parent mahu daki tu. Masa tu aku masih di alam persekolahan. Tiada respon pada mulanya dan akhirnya mereka tidak benarkan. Kononnya aku masih budak-budak. Tidak salah ibu bapa aku tidak bagi kebenaran masa tu, sebab wishlist aku tu bukannya senang. Aku tidak sampai sangat pun ke wishlist tu. Tidak sampai on top lah kiranya. Kira depan puncak tu jadilah.

Itu dulu lah punya cerita. Sekarang pengalaman yang sebenar. Yang aku telah kecapi. Tapi tidak seberapa. Apa ceritanya? 

So, Gunung Kinabalu. SubhanAllah !  Anda mesti tahu apa itu Gunung Kinabalu. We know where is the mountain nestled. Sabahan, comformlah tahu. Peninsular Malaysia pun mesti tau. I expect, sebab tu Gunung Tertinggi di asia kan?  Haah, aku rasa seluruh dunia pun tahuuuuu. Ramai pun foreigner mendaki masa aku mendaki tuu. Tidak kan lah aku seorang seja mendaki kan? Nasib ada Kak Yiana ( cousin ) . 

04 APRIL 2014

So, okay. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Pada mulanya, kami dihantar ke Kinabalu Park untuk pendaftaran. Lepastu kami pegi mendaftar, so I got a name tag lah masa tu untuk menunjukkan kita ni pendaki bukan guide.

I was departed at around 10am by a van to Timpohon Gate. After getting all the backpack weighed, signed climber forms and got our ID for the climb. We started hike from Timpohon Gate.

As you can see, nampak kan guide tu sedang meng-explain. Actually, dia explain about tu map perjalanan. Mesti ada briefing tu juga. 

After that, you have to fill a form up before start hiking. You will see a climber sticks for rent and there a shop for you to buy some food and drink.

Ignore foreigners kat belakang tu.

Dan aku startttt berjalan. Mula-mula yalah, memang laju. Lama-lama aku semput. Cuaca masa tu seems not cooperate. Lagipun, aku tinggal di tempat cuaca yang kadang panas sejuk seja, hah? Betulkah statement tu? I think so. Gwehehehehe. Lagipun, semakin tinggi, graviti tu semakin rendah. Masa naik tu tu, umpama aku bawa beg entah berapa kg masa tu. Padahal, backpack porter yang bawa. Aku bawa beg pun, tidak pun sampai 1KG. So, kuat-kuat lah work-out. Saya dua kali ja exercise -.- No wonder lah if I can't reach at Low's Peak.

I saw quite a number of plants and animals that can attract people to have a see. Macam mengembara dalam hutan. Takut jugak sebab keadaan masa tu licin. Hijau coklat biru jak kelihatan. Tenang sangat. Anak ular pun ada tapi dah mati. I decided want to touch the dead snake but, the guide doesn't allowed me dan kena terukan perjalanan juga. Sebab takut lewat. 

Huee, I gave saw there were a lot of downhill potions. My cousin and I? HAHAHA. We were behind the rest of people in our group oooo since we took lot of time to rest. I cant take my breath properly. seriously ! Huts to rest, along the trail and drinking water(in the tanks) was available. Alhamudulillah. Ease us. I mean, every 100m maybe la kot ada tu tangki air. Minum sej bah.Bersih ja tu. Pretty convenient juga la especially for not so competent people like me. Hihihihi :)

Aku asyik asyik berhenti, SEMPUT BRO! Ambil masa beberapa jam untuk sampai ke Laban Rata. APAKAH? Normal kononnya kata si guide. Start pukul 10, pukul 5 kitaorg sampai. :)

But after a few hours, the tough, tougher and toughest portions of the climb came to view. You'll see rock and wooded staircases that's actually seem to HAVE NO END ! Huh. Then. Wondering and I still don't know how some people were able to do this kind of thing ah?! It's admirable. Tapi dorang boleh buat, so aku pun boleh buat kononnya. Kuat aku bermotivasi masa tu. Nevertheless, it was a lot of effort.


At last, alhamdulillah. Finally I reached at Laban Rata. 

YEAY ! The first part of the climb is OVER. 

Once I enter the Laban Rata building (as you can see there's a building behind me) , the guide telling us to take our dinner. So, alhamdulillah. Lagipun, saya memang lapar masa itu. Dan, kenalah queuing kan. Makanan dia, woah lamb chop, grilled chicken, telur dadar and so on or so forth. Sedap-sedaap. Tp tidak habis. Astaghfirullah. Sebab sodap eh makanan dia. Kalau aku pegi restoran, haa memang mahal kot. Hihi *garu kepala*.  Kelihatan agak membazir di situ. Jgn ikut perangai saya. Huh, nafsu seja tu semata mau makan itu ini, sekali tu tidak juga habis. 

Habis makan. rehat-rehat. Tiba-tiba dorang tutup lampu sudah pukul 7 malam T_T. 
Terkejut yang amat. Like, what? So, 3 jam kemudian, masih lagi membuta. Tidak dapat bernafas sangat dan aku takut memang takut. Sebab itu hutan gunung. Last-last ber-wechat lah dengan geng Spongebob untuk tenangkan hati ni.

Lama-lama durang pula ada kerja sendiri. Dan tinggallah aku bersendirian. 

2AM ( 05 APRIL 2014 )

Huh, sigh. 
In my mind, it would be tougher, harder and colder. With barely of sleep, we assembled outside of the cottage at 2AM or 3AM to reach the peak by sunrise. 

SO, the next challenges yeay. My headlamps on then we began to walk towards a spooky dark path to start our ascend to Low's Peak. Oh nooo :( Macam mahu nangis oo masa tu. In my mind, there will be lot of tough portion i'd walk thorugh. We had to climb wet and slightly slippery staircases built over rocks at the forst stage of 2KM climb. Yeay, I could definitely feel the difficulty of breathing. It was dark. I really couldn't see where I was heading.

Slopes. This is the toughest portion for me,
Hmpp, so there are the tough portion in the pictures. But, my feel was happy on that day, that time. Even though, there are slopes slightly wet. Makin tinggi, it was too hard for me to breath. Seriously, i can't breath properly.

Hmm, aku risau juga. Aku dapatkah buat semua ni? Aku sempatkah pegi Pondok Layang-layang? But, someone said that " Ewie boleh buat tu, ewie boleh." Aku tanya dia, sempatkah lagi? Dia cakap, " Sempat-sempat, kejap lagi sampai ni" . Kalau ikut hati aku, aku mau berhenti jak, tp ada semangat dalam diri aku sebab guide tu. The guide actually a person that I know. ^_^


 Seriously, aku kesejukan masa tu. Tetap juga kesejukan tu, even aku ada jaket kalis angin, jaket biasa, jaket gunung tebal tu dan baju biasa. Seluar aku dua lapis tebal, apa kau fikir itu dapat hilangkan kesejukan tu? Not at all. Bagi aku lah.

Aku termuntah masa on the way pergi atas tu.

Tiba-tiba aku jadi adapted dengan segala tough portions kat situ.
Aku rasa macam yakin tidak jatuh walau aku tidak pakai tali.
Jalan-jalan-jalan. Ehh jumpa pondok layang-layang. Rasanya masa tu,
 5 pagi. And masih gelap lagi. 2 celcius, aku mana dapat tahan. Aku dpt jalan, cuma weather dia tu. Masya-Allah !

Then jalan-jalan-jalan. Kaki aku sudah mula cremp. Badan lagi semua bagai nak beku. Tapi aku tetap jugak kuat kan motivasi tu dalam diri. "Pakcik Guide" tu tidak mahu aku teruskan perjalanan. Tp, aku tetap mahu ! Aku mau puncak ! Aku au Low's Peak.

Apa yang buat aku lemah, cuaca, keadaan graviti dan susah mahu jumpa jalan yang rata di situ. Aku tidak pun ambil gambar banyak. Sedih aku.
Aku jalan-jalan-jalan. Dan aku nampak dua buah batu besar ni, yang kena panggil "Eternal Lover", satu bentuk kepala looks-like a Gorilla, stone looks-like an dinosour entah apa nama dia tu. Tapi aku tidak pun ambil gambar.

Then at last aku sampai akhirnya, bukan di puncak. 8.0KM from Kinabalu Park. In front of the Low's Peak :( How sad. Nevermind .

Mula-mula, aku tidak give up. Kononya mau continue perjalanan tu, tapi my legs seems not cooperate. My legs hurt. I can't walk either. Until I ask the guider for a helicopter to fetch me to Kinabalu Park but the price for it was almost reach RM16 000.00. I don't want to ascend anymore.

Only a few steps to go. But, I started to give up. I force and continued convincing myself to hold on because it's just a bit more ! Hmm, kept my hopes up that I just had to struggle for so long.

The fog hindered my vision to have a see for the sight-seejing. I mean, the hills of Kundasang. Yeah, my hands shivered even pairs of gloves I had on. My legs starting to give up, you know. And this is real. I start to give up again.

On that day, I was thirsty, I was cold, I can'r breath properly and more than that, I really got worried. My feel that I could't stay long because I know, I can't reach the highest peak of Mt. Kinabalu. 


Heading back to Laban Rata and we hv to pack all the things that we've brought because the  new climber will be stay at the room for today trips. I feel so upset because my legs was hurt and i'm not sure. Whether, I can walk or not. The guide decided want to piggyback me but I don't like and never will be like to being piggyback. So, I think I just want to walk. 

Climb down from Laban Rata to Timpohon Gate is so far. It takes time, at least around 6-5 hours. Unfortunately, walking with my hurt legs, worsen myself. I can't walk  at metre of 300 before arrives at the Timpohon Gate. The time was running. When we stopped at hut, 300 metres far from the Timpohon Gate, I really can't walk either. I am looking at my watch, it was already 5pm. I was. yeah surely i was shocked. 

 The moment when I arrive at Pondok Timpohon. At 7PM lebih-lebih.

Alhamdulillah. Semua selamat akhirnya. I will never forget the experience at Mount Kinabalu. It was more than just a climb in the mountain! Thank you, guider, thank you ummi, thank you abah, thank you Giyin, thank you kak yiana and Giyin's family as welll. And last. Thank you aunties :)


  1. hmmp.. macam susah jak mendaki gunung ni, lpas baca buat aku fikir dua kali untuk mendaki Kinabalu. Impian dari dulu.haihhh.. tapi mau jugaaaa!!! nanti boleh la tanya itu ini dengan ewie :D

    1. Belum try, belum tau tu ela. One day ya ! In shaa Allah ela, aku tolong semampu yang boleh. Satu jak tu, kena prepare 6 bulan sebelum mendaki.


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