❤ Special Word for My Dearies Siblings ❤

I have 3 siblings, including me. 

I'm the eldest one, in the middle of us was my younger sister named Nur Izzatul Nadwa and we called her Awa.

The youngest was a boy. His name is Muhammad Sufi Sa'ud, call him Awud. 

 Both of them now studying at SMKA Tun Said Kota Belud. 





Awa and Awud, 

When other people turn their faces from helping me,

You will turned to me and lend your hand.

Awa and Awud, 

When I was carrying a heavy basket of  my burden,

You sincerely trying to lightened.

Awa and Awud, 

When other people looking down because of zero thing of me,

Without a doubt, both of you will stay and give your support.

My sincere du'a to Allah the Almighty,

May Allah bestow never-ending sustenance, 

Keep on trying and never give up on your study,

Certainly your friend named 'happiness' be your accompaniment, 

Only God that will reciprocated all your kindness.

Thank you for being my good adik-adik :)


Your annoying sister. 

❤ Special Words for My Parents ❤


Your sacrifices can't be reciprocated, 

Since I was in the womb, 

You hold all the pain,

You willing to take me seeing the world, 

However hard the pain that you bear, 

But you never mention all about it.


Since I was a little,

You lay the burdens,

Trying to make a living,

Gives us comfort,

Gives us love and affection, 

Without expecting any return.

Ummi and Abah, 

The beloved persons, 

The meritorious persons, 

Never know frustrated, 

From the dawn of shining light, 

Until the sun sank away, 

Until the stars become twinkled, 

And moon covered by the cloud. 

Ummi and Abah, 

Very beloved, 

Very meritorious, 

Keep them in Your loving care Ya Rabb,  

As they love, 

When I was a child, 

Until I know how to run by myself.

Ummi Abah, 

I promise, 

Being a useful person, 

Being a student who listened to the advice,

Hold tight a roll of dream,

Up to the high peak.

Thank you, ummi.
Thank you, abah.

*Restui perjalan hidup ewie, ummi abah. Ewie sentiasa doakan kamu di sana walau jauh beribu batu kita terpisah. Sayang ummi abah. Terima kasih :')

(。◕‿◕。) XOXO_PUBLISHED (。◕‿◕。)

Woman loves to feel that they are fat. Is it a fact?

 I'm sure that everyone don't have any intentions being a biggy girl but yaaa..  For me, Girl, loves to eat. Just eat everything (foods) in sight. Whenever when they are in stress or sad, eat is the one of the solutions to release it, as well. If  a woman loves to eat, when they are in stress, sad. So, do I?

But there's no reason if I'm trying to be that kind of girl right. Yeah cuhs I know, I'm fat, big girl bla bla bla and so on. Orrr, it is just the fact of girl feels? Cuhs , when I was looking for any article that is related to how to lose weight for a woman, there must be a statement about woman will always feel she is fat. I am totally agree with that statement. Not just me, my friends as well because one of my friend some of my friends la kateko told me that ..

" Ewieeee,  aku gemuk sudah sekarang. Aku makan nda kira masa."
"Kurus kau cakap, pedahal perut aku berlipat-lipat sudah ni."
"Tengok betis aku, macam perut lembu sudah."

Though they already slim, kot. 
Still wondering, why do women thinnk they are fat when they are not? 

"Idk" Up-rolling eyes.

 But, sometimes I hate my dear-self.  Just because.. I love to eat even though I am not hungry .My ummi lah just love to nag at me when I am eating not at the right time. I mean, the right time is breakfast, dinner, lunch. But for sure their have the own reason right. We know that, every mother always want the best for us. Everything the best for us. So, how about my mother? She must wants the best for me right. Cuhs I'm in my overweight, right now. Siapa suruh, just give the best service jak to your strong appetite, ewie. See, the stomach would suffer. Except if you eat vegetables or fruits. 

Now, I'm trying to take my breakfast everyday, two breads for lunch and rice and dishes for dinner. Emm, work out as well in the evening. But, maybe just for 1 hours 15 minutes, If I'm not in busy cuhs you know assignments. Sometimes, I am tired so I'll sleep.