Thank you UPSI!

Assalamualaikum, hi there! Wish you have a good days. 

Today, I'm going to share all about my feeling now has been mixed with sugar, salt, bitter gourd and lime. BECAUSE , UPSI going to be one of my precious memories that I've experienced, where I've learnt a lot of lessons be connected with relationships between me and friends, time management, frugality, responsibilities and self-reliance. 

Terima Kasih Allah because giving me a chance to study here. 
Now, I'm ready to be a degree student *yakin kau haaa*
Set dalam minda ready!

Saya gembira, saya sedih,
Gembira kerana sudah menghabiskan pengajian sebagai pelajar Diploma dan boleh kembali ke pangkuan keluarga dan spend time dengan diorang dengan lebih lama yeayyy! Sedih, kerana bukan sudah memegang status sebagai ANAK KANDUNG SULUH BUDIMAN kepada IBU KANDUNG SULUH BUDIMAN :(

Itu je lah :)
Sebab mata mulai berair ~ :D