Diwali Nite !

Assalamualaikum and hi ! 

Kak Fiefiey from Kelate and Kak Izah from Kedah with me !
Housemate yang rapat dgn sy :D 

Saya nak share tentang pengalaman first kitaorang pergi majlis orang india. Tak pernah lagi sebelum ni. Hehe. Ini lah first time. Actually takmau pegi tapi nak dapat MyCat tu kenalah pegi jgk. Tiket berbayar lah. RM10. 


MyCat ni sebenarnya markah. Markah supaya dapat stay kolej ( tempat kediaman ) . Kalau markah tak memuaskan so kenalah berpindah ke rumah sewa dan bayar sendiri okay. Dapat MyCat lah kalau rajin ikut aktiviti kolej. So far, skrg saya dah ada join Diwali Nite, Teater Renjong. Itu jak. Hee. 

Okay lah move to Diwali Nite. Saya pun tak berapa tahulah apa Diwali ni. Yang saya tahuu, it also called as "FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS".

Kalau tak tahu nahh, ni lah Diwali. Dari wikipedia. Hehehe.

An ancient Hindu festival celebrated in autumn every year.[The festival spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair.[5][6][7] The festival preparations and rituals typically extend over a five day period, but the main festival night of Diwali coincides with the darkest, new moon night of the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartik. In the Gregorian calendar, Diwali night falls between mid-October and mid-November.
Before Diwali night, people clean, renovate and decorate their homes.[8] On Diwali night, Hindus dress up in new clothes or their best outfit, light updiyas (lamps and candles) inside and outside their home, participate in family puja typically to Lakshmi - the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Afterpuja (prayers), fireworks follow,[9] then a family feast including mithai (sweets), and an exchange of gifts between family members and close friends. Diwali also marks a major shopping period in nations where it is celebrated.[10]
Diwali is an important festival for Hindus. The name of festive days as well as the rituals of Diwali vary significantly among Hindus, based on the region of India. In many parts of India,[11] the festivities start with Dhanteras, followed by Naraka Chaturdasi on second day, Diwali on the third day,Diwali Padva dedicated to wife-husband relationship on the fourth day, and festivities end with Bhau-beej dedicated to sister-brother bond on the fifth day. Dhanteras usually falls eighteen days after Dussehra.
On the same night that Hindus celebrate Diwali, Jains celebrate a festival of lights to mark the attainment of moksha by Mahavira,[12][13] Sikhssimilarly celebrate Bandi Chhor Divas,[14] and Arya Samajists celebrate Shardiya Nav-Shasyeshti.
Diwali is an official holiday in India,[15] NepalSri LankaMyanmarMauritiusGuyanaTrinidad and TobagoSurinameMalaysiaSingapore and Fiji.

Okay. Baca jak lah kalau mau tau apa diwali tu k. Hmm, sy amat tertarik dengan something ni. Cerr tgk picture kat bawah tu ! 

Rangoli decorations, made using coloured powder, are popular during Diwali.

Dan ada satu makanan yang dah lama saya nak rasa. Manisan kot ni...


Dan akhirnya ! 

Hehe. Comel tak kami? 

First time lah begini tau ! Kat majlis tu, bahasa india pulak kena pakai bila. Sedangkan ada Melayu, Chinese lagi sana. Adakah itu untuk indian sahaja? We just like !@#$%o^&*().  Tak faham apa dorang cakap.

Okay lah setakat ini jak tentang ketika meraihkan diwali nite with the indians.
Kita kenalah ada sifat perpaduan dalam diri kita. Jangan nak pilih2 macam Melayu dgn Melayu jak, Indian dgn Indian jak, Chinese dgn Chinese jak. Kita kan 1 Malaysia. 


Hmm, lepas tu kan. Kitaorg kena bawa oleh Mr Sasi ikut dia pulang. Baik tau Mr. Sasi tu. Tp segan pulak nak ikut dia dah sbb dia suka spend orang. Hehe.. Jangan terlalu sangat suka nak minta belanja kat orang k. Lainlah perasaan org nanti pulak kan. Kena adalah sifat segan tu sikiiit kan? Hee Hee. 

Hari tu lepas diwali nite, dia spend kitaorg Burger dan kami makan kat rumah dia tau ! Tgk movie sama2. Hehe. Arrive kat rumah Mr Sasi at 10.30 pm then balik rumah kat kolej at 11.00 pm sbb esok dia kelas pukul 8 pagi. So, kena awal lah :)

Dan itu sahajalah saya mampu share ^_^


..Cultivate our Racial Unity Value..
.Proud to be One of Malaysian.

Sekian, syukran 'ala kulli hal. 
Thank you ! 


  1. Whoaaa! Live in peace, harmony and One Malaysia! ;)

  2. Iyaa ela. Malaysia is unique. Tidak mengamalkan favotirism in racist. Itulah one Malaysia. Isnt right? :)


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